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Feb. 2, 2022

How To Navigate Medical Malpractice Successfully With Dr. Laura Fortner

How To Navigate Medical Malpractice Successfully With Dr. Laura Fortner

Several years ago, Dr. Laura Fortner got sued for medical malpractice even though she went above and beyond for that patient. She has felt the shame, loneliness, anger, doubt, fear, and helplessness that comes with a medical malpractice lawsuit. As she was going through that journey, Dr. Fortner realized one thing - the culture of medicine and how it has been associated with perfectionism. 

With the help of a life coach, Dr. Fortner has since learned the tools to overcome the anger, fear, isolation, shame, and self-doubt that crept back into her brain. She is now at peace with whatever happens with her lawsuit, and is on a mission to help other physicians going through the same thing. She helps physicians equip themselves to the legal system and prepares them for the rollercoaster ride.  

In a nutshell, we speak about:

  • Dr. Fortner's journey, from dismissal, to trial, to appeal after appeal.
  • Things physicians can do to avoid litigation.
  • How physicians can be prepared for lawsuits in case they happen.
  • Steps to take in case you got served.
  • How Dr. Fortner managed to still stay in medicine even after being sued.
  • How physicians can amplify what Dr. Fortner is doing.

... and so much more!

Featured in the show:

Dr. Fortner's website:

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